Kamis, 29 Maret 2012

Free Download Adobe Photoshop CS6 + Serial

Posted by alex marz 14.11, under , | No comments

 Adobe Photoshop CS6
Adobe Photoshop CS6 - sebuah program untuk pengolahan grafis raster. Mendukung format grafis banyak. Adobe Photoshop memungkinkan Anda untuk membuat gambar baru dan mengeditnya. Photoshop digunakan untuk membuat gambar fotorealistik untuk bekerja dengan gambar berwarna dipindai, retouching, koreksi warna, transformasi grafik, pemisahan warna, dll Adobe Photoshop memiliki semua metode bekerja dengan bitmap, dalam hal ini adalah bekerja dengan lapisan dan kontur menggunakan. Program ini diperdebatkan antara editor grafis profesional karena memiliki efisiensi tinggi dan kecepatan. Adobe Photoshop menyediakan semua alat yang diperlukan untuk koreksi, mengedit, menyiapkan gambar untuk pencetakan dengan output kualitas tinggi...

  Adobe. Photoshop CS6 New Features: 
  •  Fill your stories with movement DSLR-Video in Photoshop.Convert videos and images as it was previously impossible. 
  •  Switch between screens and get more accurate results than ever before, with new drawing tools and graphics.  
  • Perform their work in record time thanks to a substantial increase in productivity advanced workflow capabilities. 
  • Smart Object» become even smarter. Thanks to "infinitely" scalable vectors based on a new Photoshop image pixels is able to perform operations such as deformation, interpolation, canvas rotation, 3D-manipulation, etc. 
  • Extended distortion correction. The ideal solution for the correction of panoramic and architectural shots.   
  • "Smart Object" have become smarter. Thanks to "infinitely" scalable vectors based on image pixels, the new Photoshop is able to perform operations such as deformation, interpolation, canvas rotation, 3D-manipulation, etc.   
  • There are new drawing tools and graphics. "Dynamic Brush" - with great settings, dryness, toughness, transparency, full emulation of this brush.   
  • Integration of static images from video taken by DSLR-camera.   
  • Ability to voice control operations in conjunction with a keyboard and mouse. • Dynamic layers. "Smart" layers, which can be controlled in real time and that can dynamically interact with other layers.   
  • Easier switching between screens, and optimize images for different monitor resolution. 
  • Due to increase in the productivity of the working process of the operation will now take up less time. Among the the most interesting innovations are the following:   
  • Technology Truer Edge, improves the definition of boundaries of objects in the photographs.
  •  Tool Content-Aware Fill to remove from the image of an object and automatically fill the space with the relevant content.  
  • Advanced tools for working with the HDR-images, which include tool HDR Pro, which improved removal of artifacts and image adjustments. Using the HDR-toning, you can mimic the appearance of HDR-images for the usual picture.
  •  Tools Mixer Brush, blending the colors in one brush  
  • Puppet Warp Tool for the strain of any element of the image.It can, for example, to change the landscape to create a different perspective, or to straighten a bent arm.
  •  The ability to save 16-bit image format is JPEG.

Petunjuk Install :
  1. Matikan antivirus selama instalasi menonaktifkan Internet  
  2. Mount program untuk mensimulasikan  
  3. Jalankan Set-up 
  4. Pilih kedalaman bit, bahasa instalasi, masukkan nomor serial (keygen,atau teks Numbers.txt berkas Serial matikan auto update dan block koneksi adobe updater dengan firewall,,,


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